Global Women of Impact
Diverse Minds
Bold Disruptors
Meaningful Impact
Global Women of Impact value our partners. We define a partner as a relationship where we join forces to meet a common goals of our mutual shared values surround cultural awareness.
We invite likeminded companies to inquiry how we can collaborate and create greater impact that ripples out through the world. Click here to submit a request for more information
Friend level recognition on GWOI Partnership Page
Social media post recognition
Two tickets to 1 monthly membership event
All benefits of Leadership Sponsorship, plus:
Innovator level recognition on GWOI Partnership page
Your company banner displayed prominently as an Innovator Partner
Recognition in pre-event press releases and email marketing.
Two complimentary tickets to annual conference
All benefits of Friend Partnership, plus:
Supporter level recognition on GWOI Partnership page
Booth space at one event
All benefits of Visionary Partnership, plus:
Visionary level recognition on GWOI Partnership page
Your company logo on event merchandise or giveaways.
Four complimentary tickets to
annual conference
All benefits of Supporter Partnership, plus:
Leadership level recognition on GWOI Partnership page
Booth space at three events & recognized in email marketing
This partnership level is for individuals and companies who choose to make an in-kind donation rather than funds and is equal to the cash value that GWOI would have paid for those services. Recognition is given on the appropriate level of giving with recognition as an In-Kind donation.